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When new kitchen furniture is right for you

If you intend to buy new kitchen storage cupboards, they will either be custom designed (by you or your architect), or they will be bought from a proprietary range of which there are many on the market. It is also possible that you are considering some hybrid arrangement made up of old cupboards originally intended […]

Custom made kitchen and bathroom furniture

lt is fairly rare now to find custom-made units in a new kitchen. The standard ranges, as I have described, are so varied, the permutations of finishes so large and the quality so good (if you choose carefully) that most people are not prepared to go to the extra trouble of having furniture specially built; […]

How energy affects the kitchen

The only other real development to affect kitchens and bathrooms is the general and essential emphasis on energy conservation. The world’s diminishing resources and rising costs have at last caused us to cut our cloth accordingly, and in the two rooms in question, this has resulted in extra insulation for energy-consuming equipment, assisted circulation in […]

New ovens and hobs for the kitchen

These are described together because many people still prefer one free-standing cooker combining both functions, rather than the fashionable separate hobs and oven. And of course, if you are in rented accommodation or anywhere else where you do not intend to stay for a long time, it makes sense to put in a free-standing cooker […]

Materials for sinks in kitchens

Stainless steel is a hygienic material, easy to clean even though its gleaming surface does become dimmed over the years by a myriad of tiny scratches. Those who like colour, though, will appreciate the enamelled steel sinks emanating from the continent. The permutations are as varied as those for stainless steel, the colours of some […]

Washing machines being used in kitchens

Washing machines have always seemed to me the best aid of all, and essential in the modern kitchen or laundry room. Even one perscn generates a huge amount of washing in a week (think of sheets, tea towels, towels, underwear, shirts, jeans, table linen). Unless you relish the idea of a convivial hour at the […]

Fridges and freezers for kitchen furniture

These are lumped together, though I considerthe former an essential and the latter an optional extra. Even in our relatively cool climate, you can keep food safe to eat and more attractive for a longer period with the aid of a refrigerator. It need not be large and requirements will, as with everything else, vary […]

Extractor fans and taps for kitchens

A vitally important kitchen aid is the extractor fan which will remove food smells, steam, and perhaps most important, help to prevent condensation. This can take the form of a relatively inexpensive fan unit set into a window or outside wall, but far more efficient is the built-in extractor unit comprising fan and hood which […]

What type of flooring is best for kitchens

Once upon a time, linoleum was used in kitchens up and dovvn the land, but it has since been superseded by a variety of other, harderer – wearing materials. Cheap Iinoleum is still available in tavvdry designs, but although it does not show the dirt in this form and is easily washed clean, its wearing […]

The best worktops for a quality kitchen

Wall coverings The simplest and cheapest wall covering is paint but this must be applied to a good, smooth, well-prepared surface. Poor plasterwork or other idiosyncrasies are best concealed by something more substantial. Gloss paintwhich is easily washable is most appropriate in kitchens, although if you dislike a high-gloss finish vinyl emulsions are easier to […]

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